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Get started with Conta’s API (Alpha)

Conta is a web based accounting system encompassing a number of services, including invoicing, accounting, and more. Through our API, other systems can interact with these features.

Conta is a web based accounting system encompassing a number of services, including invoicing, accounting, and more. Through our API, other systems can interact with these features.

Each API key is linked to a user in Conta, with the same access level as that user. This means that the key can access the same services, organizations and data as the user who created it, where external routes are available.

Conta is currently merging accounts across its various services. The organization ID in the URLs mentioned on this page will change from an internal integer ‘id’ to a cross-service UUID once merging is complete.

Get started with Conta’s API

1. Create a Conta Subscription
An active subscription to Conta’s services is required in order to use the API gateway. Access to individual features depends on the chosen subscription plan. Some API features may be unavailable if the subscription does not include access to them.

2. Create an API key
Access to the API gateway is granted via API keys. The API key needs to be sent with each API call as an HTTP header: ‘conta-api-gateway-key’.

API keys can be created in the Conta app under Settings -> User account -> Manage API keys (Administrer API-nøkler)

3. Environments

Base URLs:

Pre-production: https://api.gateway.conta.fooRequires access, please contact customer support for development and testing.

4. Review the API documentation 
Please review our Swagger API documentation here:

Pre-production: http://docs.gateway.conta.fooRequires access, please contact customer support.

5. Organization access level

The API keys will have the same level of access to the system as the user creating the key. One user can have access to multiple organizations (businesses/virksomheter) in the system, so it is required to specify the organization id in the URL for most of the APIs.

Example URL: GET /organizations/11/customers

At a later date, it will also be possible to create an API key with limited access to selected organizations, but this feature is some way down the road. 

6. Simple example

To call an API, use the base path of the environment (see Environments above) + the relative route of the API you are going to call.Here is a simple CURL request to get information about a customer with id=123 from the organization with id=11:

Example Request:
curl -X GET -H ‘apiKey: 321dsasa03921FDfda#8123945’

Example Response:
  «id»: 123,
  «contacts»: [],
  «name»: «Ola Normann»,
  «customerType»: «INDIVIDUAL»,
  «dateOfBirth»: «1960-05-05»,
  «customerAddressLine1»: «FarAwayStreet 192H»,
  «customerAddressLine2»: «FarAwayCounty»,
  «customerAddressPostcode»: «0450»,
  «customerAddressCity»: «Oslo»,
  «customerAddressCountry»: «Norway»,
  «vismaNo»: 10001,
  «invoiceDeliveryMethod»: «EMAIL»,
  «isActive»: true

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