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Accounting settings

In the accounting settings you will find the chart of accounts and wizard to help you set up the accounts and VAT codes needed. 

In the accounting settings you will find the chart of accounts and wizard to help you set up the accounts and VAT codes needed. 

To make it as easy as possible for you to keep accounts we have made a chart of accounts wizard. The wizard will help you set up the accounts and VAT codes you need.

You’ll find the accounting settings if you go to the Menu > SETTINGS > ACCOUNTING. 

It is smart to just open the accounts that you need and get an overview of the different accounts. If you register vouchers in wrong accounts it can give a wrong picture of the economy in your business.

If it is the first time you are using Conta you can juse the welcome wizard. 

Let’s take a closer look at the different accounting settings. 

Basic accounting settings 

You can find the basic accounting settings if you go to the Menu > SETTINGS > ACCOUNTING > BASIC ACCOUNTING SETTINGS. 

If your business has previous bookkeeping history press YES and choose the first day you will start bookkeeping from. When you press YES you need to choose a date that is right after a VAT periode.

If your business doesn’t have previous bookkeeping history press NO and choose the first day you will start bookkeeping from. When you press NO you can choose any date (as long as it reflect the real start date).

Then choose the appropriate boxes on the right that describe your business.

When you are done, press SAVE SETTINGS. 

Chart of Accounts

The chart of accounts is an overview of all the accounts used in your bookkeeping, each associated with a number that is the standard in Norway. Use the search field or scroll to get a complete overview of the list. 

You can see all details for each account by clicking DETAILS to the right. You can also add search words that make it easier to use the search field. 


The different VAT codes are separated by codes in the accounts. The most common rate, “Purchases in Norway with regular VAT rate” has code 1. 

There are different codes and rates for VAT. Make sure you use the right code, så the VAT report is correct when you send it to the Tax Administration. 

In the overview you will see what codes are available for your accounting. 

You can turn off and on the availability for the VAT codes, with the exception of some codes that are necessary for all companies. 

We recommend that you turn on the codes you need, then it will be easier to avoid mistakes.


Active EHF and administrate settings for EHF. 

Ingoing balance 

Ingoing balance is used to establish the correct balance and value from the start. This is for both companies who are brand new or companies with bookkeeping history. 

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