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Customer list

This is how you keep track of and manage your customers in Conta.

This is how you keep track of and manage your customers in Conta.

There are two ways to add new customers. Either by going to CUSTOMERS from the top menu in Conta and then clicking on NEW CUSTOMER or by adding a new customer when you create a new invoice.

Customer import

You can import customers both from other businesses you have access to in Conta, and completely different invoice programs by clicking CUSTOMER IMPORT just above the customer list. See how.

Customer card

Click on CUSTOMER CARD at the far right of each customer in the list to view or change the information for each customer. Read more about what you can see and do on the customer card here.

Download customers as CSV

You can download customer lists as CSV for use in Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet programs.

Click on DOWNLOAD CSV to download all the customers you have on the list right now. Note that data exported to the CSV is affected by the current view: If you have searched for a specific company, and only that one company is displayed, the CSV file will only contain this one customer.

Customer groups

Under this tab, you can create and manage customer groups, to whom you can then send invoices as a group. This is a practical way to, for example, collect the same amount from a number of customers at the same time. Currently, this method supports email, download as PDF, and eInvoice. Support for business customers will come later.

No customer number?

We have chosen not to use customer numbers because modern financial systems such as Conta manage to keep customer databases in order without assigning a number to each customer.

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