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New invoice customer

There are several ways in which you can enter new invoice customers.

There are several ways in which you can enter new invoice customers.

The easiest way is to add customers as you invoice them. Click on the REGISTER A NEW CUSTOMER button in the invoice editor.

If you are going to enter more customers, it may be good to go to CUSTOMERS > NEW CUSTOMER and enter the customers from there.

Help for completion

The Conta services distinguish between private customers and company customers. You must first select the type of customer you want to add.

  • If it is a private customer, remember to click the radio button for this at the very top.
  • Fields marked in yellow are mandatory. In the «company name» field, you can start writing either the organization number or the company name, and a list will appear where you can select the company you are looking for.
  • The number of days to maturity is set to 14 by default in these settings, but you can change this in the DUE DAYS field. You can also override it for ALL customers by going to SETTINGS > INVOICE/SALE > INVOICE SETTINGS.
  • The information you fill in will be used in invoices you create for the customer, but the e-mail address, contact person and delivery address can be changed when invoicing.

TIP: You can also enter a fixed discount for the customer, as a percentage. The discount then shows in all product lines in the invoice you create for the customer. The discount can be overridden every time you create a new invoice.

If the customer has an address abroad, enter the country where the customer has a fixed address.

Business customers must have a delivery address

It is required by law to state the delivery address (and delivery date) on transactions between companies. If the new customer is a business customer, you must click on the CONTINUE button and fill in the customer’s delivery address.

Read more about why you must state the delivery address on invoices to business customers in the Invoice School.

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