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Are you considering switching to a new payroll system? This section explains how you can switch over to Conta.

If your company is considering switching to Conta’s payroll system, the process is relatively straightforward. However, it’s helpful to understand what’s involved when switching payroll systems.

To begin, you’ll need to register as a user and add the company to «New company». Here, you can search for your company in the Brønnøysund registers. Following this, you must link the company to Altinn.

Once the company is linked to Altinn, you’ll need to add all employees. To do this, navigate to the menu and select EMPLOYEES, then choose ADD EMPLOYEE. From here, enter the required information as prompted by the system.

After adding the essential details about the employee, create a new position. You can do this by clicking CREATE under the position section within the employee profile. Provide information about the position and the employment terms. Additionally, remember to check the box indicating that it’s an existing employee and input the correct date of employment.

NOTE: The position ID must match the one reported to Altinn in your previous payroll system. If it doesn’t, you must terminate the employment relationship in the old system and create a new one in Conta. This measure is essential to ensure the accuracy of the a-melding.

When transitioning between payroll programs, it’s crucial to transfer certain information from your previous system. Make sure to input details regarding the basis for last year’s holiday pay, any accrued salary, deducted taxes, taxable income, and the basis for holiday pay for the current year. You will find all the necessary fields under the «From before» section when adding a new position.

The timing of the switch in payroll programs will also be crucial. If the transition occurs on the first of January, employees will not have any taxable income yet. However, if the switch takes place in the middle of the year, employees will have already earned income that needs to be accounted for.

Once all of these steps are completed, you can proceed with the payroll processing from Conta.

Connect accounting and payroll

The seamless integration between Conta and the payroll system streamlines the bookkeeping process for payroll runs.

This integration enables you to effortlessly record the payroll run with just a few clicks. Once the payroll processing is completed, you can opt to transmit the data directly to Conta for posting. The payroll run is automatically recorded as a voucher in Conta, complete with the accurate date, accounts, and amount.

Activate the integration

For integrating your accounting and payroll systems, log in to Conta and navigate to SETTINGS. Proceed to MY PURCHASES, locate the payroll system in the list of services, and select «Try payroll.»

You will be directed to the payroll system to activate the integration. If you have already created a user in the payroll system, we will automatically find the company profile that matches the business you have registered in the accounting software.

If you haven’t registered a user in the payroll system yet, you will be directed to the registration form.

Choose «connect» to link your accounting and payroll systems.

The integration is activated, and you can now run payroll for the company and book seamlessly in Conta.

Send a-melding without salary (lønn)

Sometimes you need to send a-melding without paying the salary. This is how you do it in Conta.

A-melding must be submitted for all employees every single month, regardless of whether they are to be paid that month or not.

You might have also received a notification or reminder regarding a missing a-melding. In such a case, you can report it through Conta’s payroll system.

Submit a a-melding without salary

To process a-melding for a salary-free period, you can create a new pay run.

Note! Reporting in Conta is based on payment date. This means that if you pay wages for October on 1 November, the submitted a-melding will apply to November.

Select a payment date in the month in which there is no payroll run.

You can then choose which employees will be included, but that you should not include permanent records. In this way, you report to the authorities, but you are not paying out any additional salary. 

If certain employees are to receive payment while others are not, delete fixed records solely for the relevant people.

Continue the payroll processing in the usual way to submit the a-melding.

Connect the bank to the payroll system

By activating the bank integration in Conta’s payroll system, you can pay wages directly from the system. Here is how you connect the bank to the payroll system.

With the bank integration, you can pay salaries directly from Conta – without logging into the online bank.

To be able to connect your bank to the payroll system, you must have an online business, and the bank account must be registered in the KAR-register.

Once you’ve enabled bank integration in the accounting system, there’s no need to reconnect to the payroll system. Everything is set up, and you can proceed with salary payments right away!

How to connect your bank to the payroll system

You will see the bank integration under the menu item «Company» when you log in to the payroll program.

It is also possible to connect to your bank at the same time as running payroll. You will find it in the step for salary payment.

Upon activating the bank integration, you will be guided through the necessary steps to complete the connection automatically.

Initially, you will be directed to a wizard hosted by our banking service partner, ZTL. During this process, you’ll be required to verify your identity using BankID and sign an agreement. Additionally, you’ll need to furnish certain company details in compliance with the Money Laundering Act (hvitvaskingsloven).

You then create consent for the bank accounts held in your company.

Once you have confirmed with BankID, you are ready to pay your salary!

How to pay wages

You pay out wages at the same time as you arrange the rest of the payroll process.

Under «Payments», you choose whether you want to pay wages manually or with the bank integration. Select «Pay with Conta» to pay from the payroll system without logging into the online bank.

The salary is automatically disbursed on the scheduled payment date.

Please note that wages are only paid on working days and that the payroll run must be completed no later than 11:59 pm the day before the payment date.

How to run payroll

Each time employees are due to receive their wages, it’s necessary to process the payroll. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it using Conta.

Running payroll with Conta is a straightforward process. Before initiating the payroll, ensure that the relevant employees are correctly set up in the payroll system with accurate position codes, work percentages, salaries, and related information. You can add this information prior to running payroll for the first time.

(video – kjør lønn med conta, lage engelsk versjon?)

To run payroll, press PAYROLL RUN in the menu on the left, and then press CREATE NEW under SALARY PAYMENTS.

Follow these steps to complete the payroll run

To begin, choose the relevant workplace and input the payment date, the starting date of the earning period, and its duration. Typically, the earning period spans a month, but you can opt for two weeks or one week as well.

The next step is retirement. The vast majority of companies are obliged to set up a pension scheme for their employees. This is called compulsory occupational pension (OTP). The pension must be reported with the salary every month, with the pension paid for that month. This is because employer’s tax must also be paid on the amount.

Next, you’ll include wage earners. This step involves selecting all individuals entitled to receive salaries during the specified period, with each payment determined by the details outlined in their job descriptions.

Should you need to modify a salary, you can do so for each employee by adding supplementary salary lines. To achieve this, simply click on the salary amount. If the monthly salary hasn’t been entered as a fixed line for an employee, you can do so at this stage. Additionally, you have the option to incorporate more salary lines, such as bonuses, overtime, mileage allowances, and similar categories. Accessing your tax card involves linking the system to Altinn.

The next step is to submit the a-melding. It is submitted simultaneously with the payroll run and contains information on employees and their employment terms that require reporting.

Important! Ensure that you use the same system ID to retrieve feedback on Altinn as the one used during submission. Consequently, refrain from altering the system ID once the a-melding has been submitted.

At the bottom, you’ll find pay slips that can be distributed to employees, a list of payouts detailing the amounts to be disbursed, as well as the applicable tax and employer’s contribution.

Furthermore, you’ll receive instructions regarding the accounts in the accounting system where payroll, taxes, and employer’s contributions should be recorded. If you’ve integrated the payroll system with the accounting software, you can swiftly record entries to Conta with just a few clicks.

How to add pay lines

When processing payroll, you have the option to include additional payroll lines. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to do it.

Do you employ individuals on an hourly basis, commission-based pay, weekend allowances, or offer bonuses and overtime compensation? If so, it’s essential to incorporate additional lines during the payroll run.

Adding a line allows you to insert custom pay lines specifically tailored for this particular pay cycle, typically addressing variables that vary from month to month.

To include these lines, you’ll need to initiate a payroll run.

How to add lines

Start a regular payroll run. Follow the six steps in the payroll process. In step number 4, you can add lines when selecting wage earners.

Press SALARY LINES and then ADD as in the example here:

You can now specify the type of wage component involved. This could include vacation pay, overtime, weekend allowances, bonuses, or benefits like mobile phone provision or insurance.

After selecting the type of wage component, you’ll fill in the necessary information before clicking «Create Pay Line.» This action will integrate the pay line into the payroll and ensure its visibility on the pay slip as well.

How to add employees

To facilitate payroll management for your company through Conta, it’s crucial to initially enlist all employees in the payroll system.

In order to run payroll seamlessly in Conta, it’s essential to register all employees eligible for remuneration. You must provide employee details such as name, identification number (e.g., social security number), contact information, and bank account details for salary payments. Additionally, it’s imperative to input the employee’s job position information. Conta utilizes this data as a reference point during payroll processing and a-melding.

Moreover, you need to include the employees’ tax cards to enable automatic tax calculations. While you can add tax cards at any time, it’s advisable to do so concurrently with the employee registration process.

How to register employees

Navigate to the left-hand menu and select «Employees.» Prior to adding employees, the interface will display «No employees found.» To add an employee, click on «Add employee.»

When registering an employee, you’ll need to provide their essential details, such as contact information, identification number, and the designated bank account for salary deposits.

Upon completing the employee’s information, it’s essential to include details about their position, including the job title, type of employment, employment percentage, and related specifics. This information serves as the foundation for generating pay slips and fulfilling reporting in the a-melding.

Once you’ve input all the necessary employee and position information, it’s crucial to obtain the employee’s tax card. This step enables you to calculate the salary using the appropriate tax percentage. It’s possible to calculate the salary without the tax card, but in such cases, a 50 percent tax deduction will be applied.

Information from the previous salary system

In instances where you transition to Conta from another payroll system, you’ll need to provide additional details about the employee. This may include their year-to-date earnings and the basis for holiday pay.

To accomplish this, navigate to EMPLOYEE > POSITION > EDIT POSITION > PREVIOUS POSITION and enter the relevant salary details from the previous system.

Connect to Altinn and collect your tax card

To ensure accurate tax calculation during payroll processing, it’s essential to obtain the tax card from Altinn. We provide guidance on how to establish a connection to Altinn and retrieve tax cards for Conta’s payroll system.

In order to send notifications and access tax cards, it’s necessary to link the payroll system to Altinn. This connection is established during the initial company setup. Additionally, you’ll need to connect to Altinn when retrieving the tax card.

Connect the payroll system and Altinn

To establish a connection between Conta Lønn and Altinn, you’ll need to utilize your System ID and password when adding companies. If you don’t already have a System ID and password, you can create one within Altinn.

To set it up in Altinn, navigate to Private person > Profile > Advanced settings > Register computer system. Choose «Conta Lønn» as the system, then input your preferred password. After clicking the Add button, your system ID will be generated and displayed.

When linking your company to Altinn within the Conta payroll system, you’ll use the System ID and password you created in Altinn. You can find this information on your profile page within the payroll system.

Collect tax card 

After you’ve entered the employee and position details, you can proceed to collect the tax card. Although you can obtain the tax card from Altinn at any time, it’s advisable to do so when registering the employee for optimal efficiency.

Note: You can process payroll without collecting a tax card, but in such cases, the employee will incur a 50 percent tax deduction.

To obtain a tax card, click on «Get tax card.» This can be done by selecting the employee and then clicking «Send order.» Subsequently, you will be prompted to log into Altinn for tax card retrieval. Enter your own social security number along with the password you created in Altinn.

If you don’t have a password, you can create one in Altinn under Personal Profile > Advanced settings > Login information.

You have the option to collect tax cards for individual employees or for all employees collectively. When you submit your request, it sends a retrieval request to Altinn. The response will be directly sent back to the payroll system, and you won’t need to take any action in Altinn.

Once the tax card is in place, you can proceed with payroll, ensuring the correct tax deductions for the employees. In cases where an employee modifies their tax card after February, they will receive a percentage deduction for the remainder of the year, rather than a table deduction.

If an employee changes their tax card

If an employee within a company receives a new tax card, you’ll receive an email from Altinn indicating that an employee has obtained a new tax card. However, the email won’t specify which employee this pertains to.

Consequently, the employer must access the payroll system and retrieve the new tax card themselves. Since the employees must inform the employer about the new tax card, it’s common practice to collect tax cards for all employees to ensure accurate tax deductions for everyone. This process mirrors the initial tax card collection procedure.

You can find a detailed demonstration of how to process payroll in Conta’s payroll system in this video.

(video – kjør lønn i conta og tritt – oppdatere video?)

Add workplace

When utilizing Conta’s payroll system, it’s essential to incorporate all the relevant workplaces within your company to enable payroll processing for employees at different locations. Here’s the procedure for adding workplaces.

When you initiate the use of Conta’s payroll system, you’ll need to add the company for which you’ll be processing payroll. This can be accomplished using the search function within the system. Conta retrieves all pertinent company information from the Brønnøysund registers.

If the company has several workplaces, i.e. locations, they will automatically be picked up when you add the company.

Register new workplace

If you’re establishing a new department or workplace at a different address, it’s crucial to initially update the pertinent details in the company’s Brønnøysund registers.

Once the new workplace has been established, you can include it in the system by navigating to COMPANY > UPDATE COMPANY.

The system will automatically retrieve the relevant information regarding the new workplace from the Brønnøysund registers.

Remove or close down a workplace

As long as a workplace is registered in the Brønnøysund registers, it will be visible in the overview. You have the option to designate the workplace as «inactive» if it’s not currently in use or if you do not intend to process payroll for it using this program.

To make a workplace inactive, follow these steps: Go to the COMPANY section and choose the relevant workplace. Click the switch next to «Active» to change the status to inactive. You’ll notice the switch appear grey, indicating that the workplace is now inactive.

Once designated as «inactive,» the workplace will be displayed as such in your account, preventing any payroll operations from being executed for this specific workplace.

In the event of permanently closing down a workplace, it is essential to register this update in the Brønnøysund registers. Conta automatically updates the information regarding the company and its workplaces when you access COMPANY > UPDATE COMPANY.

Get started with payroll

Change position and employment conditions

To modify positions and employment relationships in Conta’s payroll system when an employee changes their role or departs the company, follow these steps.

Navigate to EMPLOYEES and select the specific employee for whom you wish to make changes to the position. You can make adjustments to the position in the following scenarios:

The employee starts a new position

If the employee assumes a new position within the company, it is crucial to add an end date to the previous position and create a new entry for the updated role.

To accomplish this, locate the previous position in the employee’s profile and choose the option «Enter end date.»

To add the new position, go to the profile for the employee, and choose “create position”.

You are required to include the old position in the a-melding until the designated end date. Once this date is reached, the position should no longer be reported to Altinn.

During payroll processing, the positions from the previous payroll run are automatically fetched. Therefore, when an employee transitions to a new position, you need to eliminate the previous position and add the new one to the payroll run.

To accomplish this, navigate to the WAGE RECIPIENTS section in the payroll run and select «Remove from payroll run» or «Add to payroll run» as appropriate.

In instances where an employee changes positions between pay periods, you must issue a notification for the employee with both positions during the relevant period.

The employee leaves the company

If the employee stops working for the company, go to EMPLOYEES, select employee and position and then «Enter end date».

It’s essential to submit a notification for the employee up until the designated end date. Once the end date is set, making changes to the employee within Conta becomes impossible. After the end date has passed and the relevant information has been reported, you can archive the employee from the system by selecting «Archive employee.»

Delete position entered in error

If you have entered the wrong position, for example the wrong job title, you can delete this. Go to EMPLOYEES, select the employee for whom you have entered the wrong position and open the position.

Select «Delete position» from the menu at the top.

Archiving a position is only feasible if it has not been reported to Altinn via the a-melding, or if all a-meldinger containing the position have been canceled.

Run payroll

Send annual reports to employees

All employers are required to provide employees with an annual report detailing their salary, tax, and holiday pay from the previous year before the 1st of February annually.

This report serves as a comprehensive overview of the employee’s earnings, tax contributions, and holiday pay over the past year. It serves as the foundation for the employee’s tax return, and it’s mandatory for the employer to distribute it before the 1st of February each year.

See all deadlines for entrepreneurs.

In Conta’s payroll system, this annual report is commonly referred to as a compilation report or an annual report and is accessible through the ANNUAL REPORT section.

Send annual report

To dispatch the annual report to employees using Conta, navigate to REPORTS > ANNUAL REPORTS. From there, select the specific department and the desired year for viewing the annual reports.

At this section, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of the company’s employees. You have the option to either download the reports or send them directly from the system.

I have used Conta’s payroll system for part of the year, what do I do?

If you’ve used Conta’s payroll system for only part of the year, you must generate an annual report from both systems if there was a transition between salary systems during the year.

The annual report from Conta is created as previously outlined and distributed to the employees. Additionally, you must provide them with the annual report from the previous system for the respective time period.

Final settlement in the salary system

When an employee is leaving the company, it’s essential to document this in the employment notice and disburse any accrued holiday pay. Here’s how to manage the final settlement using Conta.

You can utilize Conta’s payroll system to notify Altinn about an employee’s departure from the company. This is accomplished by entering the end date and salary details in the payroll system, followed by the a-melding.

The a-melding will communicate both the salary particulars and the termination of the employment relationship.

Here are the step-by-step instructions for final settlement in Conta:

1. Enter the end date and reason

Select the employee, select the position and then click «Set end date». Here you get the opportunity to choose an end date (the last date the employee must work in the company) and the reason why they quit. Both of these are mandatory.

Some of the alternatives are, for example, that the employee has resigned themselves, that the employee has changed positions internally or that the temporary employment has expired.

Once you’ve selected the end date and reason, you can archive the position to prevent it from appearing in subsequent payroll runs.

IMPORTANT: Do not archive the position until you’ve processed the final payroll and disbursed any remaining holiday pay.

2. Run the last salary

The last ordinary salary is run as usual.

Process holiday pay

To ensure that all accrued holiday pay is accounted for in the final settlement, you must process these payments after the final payroll has been processed.

Initiate the process similarly to a regular payroll run, selecting the payment date and the earnings period start date as per your usual practice, depending on whether you pay in advance or in arrears. The standard earnings period is one month.

When you reach the wage earners section, you will encounter the «Add +» option.

You will get several options:

  • Holiday pay from the previous year: Accrued holiday pay from the previous year that hasn’t been disbursed yet.
  • Holiday pay earned in the current year: Holiday pay that has been accumulated thus far in the current year and needs to be disbursed in the final settlement.
  • Deduction from salary for holiday: Employed if the employee has taken holiday days that haven’t been accounted for in deductions.

When you select holiday pay from the previous year, any saved holiday pay will be displayed, provided that last year’s income is included in the payroll system.

You’ll need to manually calculate the holiday pay earned this year, using the information from the holiday pay report located under «Reports.» This report outlines the amounts reported via the a-message. It’s essential to process the final regular payroll before computing the earned holiday pay for the current year.

IMPORTANT: After processing the last regular payroll, make sure to remove the monthly salary from the payroll run. Only the holiday pay should be included in the final pay run.

In the summary, you’ll notice that tax is deducted from the holiday pay earned this year, while no tax is deducted from the holiday pay accumulated from the previous year.

Furthermore, you’ll need to settle the employer’s tax for all disbursed holiday pay. This aspect will also be included in the summary.

4. Send a-melding

Upon completion of the payroll run, proceed to send the notification as usual. Following this, you can distribute payslips and process the final settlement payments.

Ensure to archive the position to prevent its inclusion in the subsequent payroll run!

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